Dear Daughter


Dear Daughter,

I am so sorry.  I am so, so very sorry.  I will never be able to adequately express my sorrow and my grief over the wrongs you have suffered.  I will also never truly understand your pain.  As much as I may try, and as much as I may want to, I will never be able to take that pain from you.  My heart aches for you.

I am so sorry.  I’m sorry that as your mother, I failed you.  I always tried so very hard to protect you from this kind thing, but little did I know the danger that was lurking in my own house.  I’m sorry I didn’t see it.  I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.  I’m sorry that I failed you in one of the most basic aspects of motherhood.  I look back now and I can see that there were times you were trying to tell me.  In your little girl way, you were pleading with me to see what was going on and to step in and help you.  You wanted it to stop and you tried to go to me for help, but I missed it.  I didn’t ask the right questions.  I didn’t even consider the possibility that your brother was abusing you day after day.  I don’t know how I will ever forgive myself for being blind to your pain and suffering.  I do hope that maybe, one day, you will forgive my failings.

I am so sorry that you had your innocence and your childhood taken away from you.  I sorry you had to suffer in silence, trying to defend yourself and make sense of this abuse in your sweet little mind.  I’m sorry you had to try to protect yourself when that was my job.

I understand if you are angry with me.  That’s okay.  Be angry.  Yell, rage, scream all you want.  No matter what, I will still be here.  I failed you in the past, but please know and believe, I will always love you.  It doesn’t matter if you hate me or blame me, I will still love you.  I will do anything I can to help you on this journey to healing.  I will support you, believe you, pray for you and love you every day for the rest of my life.  I long for nothing more than to go back in time and prevent all of this pain, but since that is impossible, I will do whatever it takes to help you recover.

You are amazing.  I look at you and see this beautiful little girl who has the strength of a mighty army within her.  I cannot fathom how hard it was to live with the abuse for two long years.  You were so very brave when you finally let those words pass from your lips and you shared the secret you were forced to carry.  Your courage and strength have been an inspiration.  It is clear that in your little body you hold greatness.  I hope you never lose sight of that.  You have walked through a hellish evil and have come out on the other side.  I know that you will still have a rough road to journey, but I have no doubt you are capable of walking it.  God has granted you an abundance of His power to help you through.  That is not to say that you will always feel strong and full of power.  You will have days of feeling small and weak and frail.  I will be there on those days for you to cry and weep and grieve for what has been lost.  I will hold you and comfort you and listen to you.  And when your tears dry and the strength returns to your soul, I will watch in amazement as you rise in beauty and walk forward again.

There is so much more that I long to say.  Just know that I love you, I am deeply sorry, and I will always be there for you.  You are beautiful and strong and good and kind and generous and funny and sweet and simple amazing.  I am so proud of you.

Love always and forever,



beautiful and strong



About TR

The cast of characters: I am an imperfect follower of Christ, striving to be more like Him. I was raised in a Christian home, but spent a few years in rebellion, which has led to lifelong consequences and some nagging regret. I have been divorced, but God blessed me with two children through all the pain in my first marriage. I am also a closet poet and I love all things vintage. I dabble in crafting, except for anything that requires sewing since my sewing machine and I are no longer on speaking terms. I sincerely believe that baking is my love language. I have also been blessed with a couple different chronic illnesses that tend to keep things interesting. I love having a plan and a to-do list to check off my accomplishments, but God has been teaching me that I honestly have no control over most of my life. DH (Dear Husband) - My hardworking, farmer husband. He is a faithful Christian man that is as steady as a rock. He is a bit of a math genius, for which I am exceedingly grateful. He has a great sense of humor, but most people would describe him as quiet and maybe even shy. He can be as stubborn as a mule, and that is part of why I love him. DS (Dear Son) My sweet teenage boy that I'm still trying to figure out. He has been deeply troubled lately and DH and I have been desperately seeking to do what is best for him. He is exceptionally talented in a plethora of areas and very charming. He has caused our family unbearable pain as of late, but I am still trying to have hope. My prayer is that God take him, break his heart, and mold him into an amazing godly man that I believe he was created to be. DD (Dear Daughter) - She is my spitfire, bubbly, gold-hearted, can make friends with a door, pre-teen daughter. I know I am biased, but I believe she is absolutely beautiful inside and out. She reminds me quite a bit of me, which can be scary at times. She has a very sensitive, sweet spirit, but she is mature beyond her years. In her short years on this earth, she has been to hell and back, but God has protected her heart from so much despite all she has been through. I long for the healing of her heart.
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