Tag Archives: Invisible Illness


I have a few chronic illnesses.  I have good days and bad days, but they are always there.  They will never be completely cured.  My good days would still seem difficult to a healthy person.  My conditions have also been … Continue reading

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Decorated for their comfort 

There is wild, overgrown brush that needs to be cleared.  Whenever it rains, there are several waterfalls pouring from our overly stuffed gutters.  There are window air conditioning units still in their windows although the air is crisp and heavy … Continue reading

Posted in Invisible Illness, Mom of abuser, Mom of survivor, Walk of faith | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Re-purposed Pottery

I used to have something to contribute.  I once ran 6 miles a day and loved every minute of it.  I ran an office for a state-wide medical practice and I was good at my job.  I headed up ministries … Continue reading

Posted in Grief, Hope, Invisible Illness, Uncategorized, Walk of faith | Tagged , | 1 Comment