Losing My Religion

It’s a beautiful autumn day here.  The sun is shining and there are just a handful of puffy, white clouds speckling the pale blue sky.  There is a slight breeze and the air is just barely beginning to feel a touch cool.  A cozy sweater will be called upon in a couple more hours.  I sit on my porch, watching the flag sway ever so gently in the breeze.  A neighbor is mowing his lawn and our dog has expectantly joined me, eager for my attention and love.

I should feel calm and at rest.  There should be an air of contentment around my heart.  Yet, on this picture perfect day, all I know is emptiness.  My husband and daughter are at church.  They drove off yet again without me.  I have lost all desire to go to church.  I haven’t had any form of personal devotions for months.  Quite frankly, I have felt abandoned by my local church, and in turn, I have felt abandoned by God Himself.  I don’t get the texts, calls or emails anymore from those wondering how I’m doing and why I missed church.  I know that people just assume that it is due to my illnesses, which does contribute part of it.  Mostly though, I’ve just lost my fight to keep the faith.  I don’t even feel guilty for saying that.  My only hesitation, my only concern, is if my lack of faith will be a detriment to my children.  My son will be getting released in just over a month and I know he will need his mom to be strong and to pray for him.  Obviously, my daughter is with me day in and day out.  I don’t know how much she senses my religious fatigue, or if she just blames it on my health.  I know it would hurt her sweet spirit if she knew what was really going on in my mind.

I’m pretty sure my ongoing battle with depression is playing into all of this, but I frankly feel too weary and too ambivalent to do anything about it.  I just have lost the desire to do much of anything.  Oh sure, I can fake it for a while.  I push on and put on my pretty facade to make it seem to the casual observer that all is well.  Inside however, I feel like I am laying in the bottom of a small boat on a perfectly still lake.  I may drift this way or that, but I care not enough to sit up and see which direction the boat is headed.   I drift from my family, my faith, my friends, even from myself.  There is no wind for my sail and I have not the energy to raise a sail even if there were.  I am quite content to just lay my head down, listen to the lonely lapping of the water against the side of the boat, and drift away.


About TR

The cast of characters: I am an imperfect follower of Christ, striving to be more like Him. I was raised in a Christian home, but spent a few years in rebellion, which has led to lifelong consequences and some nagging regret. I have been divorced, but God blessed me with two children through all the pain in my first marriage. I am also a closet poet and I love all things vintage. I dabble in crafting, except for anything that requires sewing since my sewing machine and I are no longer on speaking terms. I sincerely believe that baking is my love language. I have also been blessed with a couple different chronic illnesses that tend to keep things interesting. I love having a plan and a to-do list to check off my accomplishments, but God has been teaching me that I honestly have no control over most of my life. DH (Dear Husband) - My hardworking, farmer husband. He is a faithful Christian man that is as steady as a rock. He is a bit of a math genius, for which I am exceedingly grateful. He has a great sense of humor, but most people would describe him as quiet and maybe even shy. He can be as stubborn as a mule, and that is part of why I love him. DS (Dear Son) My sweet teenage boy that I'm still trying to figure out. He has been deeply troubled lately and DH and I have been desperately seeking to do what is best for him. He is exceptionally talented in a plethora of areas and very charming. He has caused our family unbearable pain as of late, but I am still trying to have hope. My prayer is that God take him, break his heart, and mold him into an amazing godly man that I believe he was created to be. DD (Dear Daughter) - She is my spitfire, bubbly, gold-hearted, can make friends with a door, pre-teen daughter. I know I am biased, but I believe she is absolutely beautiful inside and out. She reminds me quite a bit of me, which can be scary at times. She has a very sensitive, sweet spirit, but she is mature beyond her years. In her short years on this earth, she has been to hell and back, but God has protected her heart from so much despite all she has been through. I long for the healing of her heart.
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